General Information
Northwestern California University was established in 1982 to provide quality education to individuals around the world through independent, non-resident study.
The school's law study program is designed to combine the best features of traditional education with Internet-based online and recorded instruction.
The California Bar regulated program prepares individuals for admission to practice before the California State Courts, the United States Federal Courts and the United States Supreme Court. The degree of Juris Doctor will be awarded to individuals who complete the entire program.
The program for those students seeking California Bar eligibility requires four years of distance learning study in accordance with California Bar requirements.
Educational Objectives
To accomplish its purpose in the field of law, Northwestern California University strives for the following objectives:
- To educate students for a career in law.
- To equip those students with knowledge of law, skills and ethical values, while teaching them the basic reasoning underlying laws in the United States.
- To promote critical evaluation of law and its application to situations in a broad perspective.
Residence and Time Requirements
Northwestern California University does not have or require on-campus residence or classroom instruction. Four years of law study, accomplished according to certain terms and conditions, are required by the California State Bar from those seeking such eligibility through the law study program described herein.
It will be the student's responsibility to be sure that the Bar eligibility requirements are met.
State Authority to Grant Degrees and Certificates
Northwestern California University received its degree granting authority from the State of California in 1982.
The University has regularly filed satisfactory affidavits and statements of full disclosure with the State in each of the following areas.
- The Objectives of the University
- The Proposed Methods of Achieving those Objective
- The Curriculum
- Instruction
- Faculty Qualifications
- Physical Facilities
- Administrative Personnel
- Educational Records
- Tuition and Tuition Refund Policy
- Scholastic Regulations
- Degrees to be Conferred
- Graduation Requirements
- Financial Stability
The school's Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree program is accredited by the State Bar of California.
Dropout Policies
A student will be considered continuously enrolled in a term until it is completed, so long as all enrollment documents are signed, required tuition is paid and the student remains in good academic standing. Termination of enrollment will occur if the student has not successfully completed a term of the law study program within one year.
Time Limitations - Bar Study
The School's law study Bar program is regulated by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California. It requires that each term must be completed in 12 months. A typical term will include courses totaling 20 credits and will require a minimum of 300 hours of verified academic engagement and 600 hours of further study and preparation. Over the course of four terms, students must complete a minimum of 1200 hours of verified academic engagement and 2400 hours of further study and preparation.
Law Libraries - Letter of Introduction
LexisNexis® online law library privileges are provided to all of the school's students.
Access to and use of a law library in a physical facility is not required of students enrolled in the school's program. However, a letter of introduction is provided to enrolled students to assist them in getting use privileges at law libraries. Students are advised to present the letter to librarians at law libraries in their local areas.
Student Rights
A. Privacy of Student Records. The disclosure of information from student records is largely governed by state and federal law. The school policy is to abide by that law. Faculty members and administrative staff members are guided by three principles. They are:
- The privacy of an individual is of great importance, and
- The information in a student's file should be disclosed to the student on request unless there are compelling school interests for non-disclosure of particular information.
- Without the written consent of the student, disclosure of confidential information from student records to anyone is limited to those who have a legal right of access to the records. A determination as to such "legal right" shall be made whenever access to a student record is requested by someone other than the student or the administrative staff and faculty of the school.
B. Non-Discrimination. It is against school policy to discriminate against a student on political grounds or for reasons of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, handicap, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, marital status, medical conditions, status as a veteran or disabled veteran, or within the limits imposed by law because of age or citizenry; or for other arbitrary or personal reasons.
Reservation of Rights
Northwestern California University reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant at the discretion of the Dean or the School's Advisory Board and to disqualify, discontinue or exclude any student at the discretion of the Dean or the School's Advisory Board.
The University also reserves the right to change any of its policies without prior notice, including but not limited to tuition, fees, unit or hourly value per course, course offerings, curricula, grading policies, graduation and degree requirements, and admission standards and policies.
Student Conduct and Grievances
Students enrolled in the University's program are expected to adhere to the highest standards of ethics, conduct, and scholarship and are subject to the imposition of sanctions that include, but are not limited to; revocation of grades, suspension, disqualification, and complete dismissal or exclusion, for conduct determined to be not in keeping with those standards. Such conduct shall include, but is not to be limited to, misrepresenting material facts on the student's application for admission and cheating on any of the examinations given by or for the school or by the California Committee of Bar Examiners.
A student charged with conduct which may lead to the imposition of any sanction by the University shall be informed of the charge(s) and will be provided reasonable notice, including date, time, and place of a hearing of the matter by the School's Advisory Board, or by an ethics and standards committee appointed by the School's Advisory Board, and further; will be advised of the student's right to be present and to be heard.
Students may file complaints with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office of the United States Department of Education (FERPA) concerning alleged failures by the school to comply with the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (the 'Buckley amendment'), as amended, in relation to the procedures and decisions involved with any such matters.
Retention of Student Records
The record keeping for Northwestern California University is kept in files for each student in such a way that adequate information is maintained to show student progress, grades, and that satisfactory standards are enforced relating to progress and performance.
Northwestern California University maintains records, for a period of not less than five years, at 2151 River Plaza Drive, Suite 306, Sacramento, California 95833, immediately available during normal business hours, for inspection by officials from the State of California Committee of Bar Examiners, and the State of California Attorney General’s office, showing information that includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- The names, addresses and telephone numbers of its students;
- The courses of study offered by the school;
- The names and addresses of its instructional and administrative staff, together with a record of the educational qualifications of each;
- The names and addresses of its instructional and administrative staff, together with a record of the educational qualifications of each;
Grade Reports
All grades are issued at the end of the program, or any part thereof. The following grading system is used:
A [Indicates a thorough mastery of subject material and ability to creatively use
the knowledge gained.]
B [Indicates good mastery of subject material and ability to use to good advantage
the knowledge gained.]
C [Indicates average mastery of subject material with evidence of ability to
profitably use the knowledge gained.]
D [Indicates a passing grade but poor understanding and ability to use
the knowledge gained.]
F [Failure]
Credits And Honors
A grade point average of 2.00 is required for graduation.
- With Honor: 3.30 - 3.59
- With High Honor: 3.60 - 3.84
- With Highest Honor: 3.85 - 4.00
Transfer Policy
Northwestern California University accepts transfer students from American Bar Association (ABA) approved law schools and law schools accredited by the Committee of Bar Examiners (CBE) of the State Bar of California, and grants credit for previous law school work in accordance with regulations established by the CBE. Transfer applicants are granted or denied the right to transfer in accordance with the discretion of the school's Dean.
Applicants may be allowed to transfer credits earned in unaccredited programs registered with the State Bar of California only if they have passed the California First-Year Law Students' Examination (FYLSX). If passed during the first three administrations after becoming eligible to take the examination, credit can be allowed for all courses taken prior to passing. Those who do not pass the examination within its first three administrations upon becoming eligible to take the examination, but who subsequently pass the examination, can receive credit for one year of legal study only.
Individuals who desire to transfer to Northwestern California University from another institution must submit an application for admission and submit official copies of transcripts from all law schools previously attended. In accordance with California State Bar guidelines, the school requires that the course of study for the J.D. degree be completed no later than eighty-four months after a student has commenced law study at the law school or a law school from which the law school has accepted transfer credit.
Important Disclosure
[Required of all accredited law schools in California]
The method of instruction at this law school for the Juris Doctor (J.D.) Program is principally by technological means including interactive classes.
Study at, or graduation from, this law school may not qualify a student to take the bar examination or be admitted to practice law in jurisdictions other than California. A student who intends to seek admission to practice law outside of California at any time during their career should contact the admitting authority in that jurisdiction for information regarding its education and licensure requirements prior to enrolling at this lawschool.
For information regarding other states, click here: Practicing Law in Other States
Registration and Approval
Northwestern California University is accredited as a law school, and is regulated by the Committee of Bar Examiners (CBE) of the State Bar of California. Any unresolved complaints regarding the school's Juris Doctor degree program can be directed to the CBE, as follows:
Committee of Bar Examiners
The State Bar of California
San Francisco, CA 94105